Setting up a Living Trust allows your heirs to AVOID PROBATE entirely (unlike a Last Will and Testament, which always gets probated), on assets you transfer into your Trust (thinks things that have title documents: your house, any real estate, land, vehicles, bank accounts, etc). A Living Trust will bypass probate, avoid those court costs, and allow your loved ones to celebrate your life rather than get tied up in lengthy and costly litigation over who gets what and when. Talk to us about the differences and advantages or disadvantages to creating a Living Trust and/or a Last Will and Testament. We will always prepare a Pour-over Last Will and Testament at the same time as the Trust, just in case you forget to move something into the Trust, as a catch-all. So you don’t need a Trust if you have a Last Will, but you DO need a (Pour-over) Last Will if you have a Trust. Make sense?
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You can email it as an attachment to [email protected] or go to the contact page, fill out the form and upload the completed pdf form.
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