BJ’s Blog
Something my mom always said to us, the four daughters, she would say, “always dress up and show up.” I didn’t exactly know what that meant when I was a kid, but by the time I graduated college, I started to understand. Present your best you, [...]
Published On: April 9, 2024What does it mean when something is collateralized? Meaning, someone has a lien on your property? It may be a house, it may be a car ..... it means that you have put something of value that you own, up as collateral for a loan you [...]
Published On: April 9, 2024We are all different, which is awesome! We each have our own ideas of what is inspiring. What are the things that inspire you? That make your day better? That you look forward to every day? And are you doing some of them every day? Self-care is IMPORTANT. [...]
Published On: April 4, 2024I was trying to explain efficiency to my daughter recently. How, if she thinks about her day after she wakes up, and closes her eyes and mentally runs through each section of the day, it will help her gather the things that she needs for the [...]
Published On: April 4, 2024When you are in a conversation, are you listening to the other person? Or are you thinking about what you are going to say next? Do you ask follow-up questions or comment on their statements, or do you rather make a parallel between what they just said and [...]
Published On: April 4, 2024How do you plan ahead, and are you spending your time efficiently? I am a "people watcher", or I guess you could say "I watch". I notice, when I go to my F45 workout, how many people miss half the workout, because they are not ready [...]
Published On: March 29, 2024