Do you understand what community property (CP) is? Arizona is one of only nine CP states, and when I speak with many Realtors, they don’t seem to know what CP is all about. CP is everything acquired between spouses during the marriage. If one spouse works, and the other doesn’t, the working spouse’s income is CP. If you have a bank account only in your name (and not your spouse’s) in which you deposit your earnings, that bank account is CP. If you get divorced, all CP will be split. What is interesting, is the list of exceptions to CP (things that are NOT CP and would be your separate property, not subject to division upon divorce). Inheritance, gifts to you from your spouse or from others, property or money you already had before the marriage …. these are separate property and not subject to division, as long as you never commingled them with your spouse (ex: paying out of your income – which is community property – for upkeep, taxes, or insurance, on your old home you had before marriage … you just commingled the house). I teach a class on this!